Managing an Anniversary of a Loss

I’m writing this on the anniversary of my first son Jeremy’s death.  With this being the thirty-second anniversary, I feel well versed on managing them. Of course I don’t need an anniversary to remember him.  He is never forgotten and will always be a part of me, but the day itself holds significance. It is the marker of time passed since his death, a before and after dividing line in my life. I was aware of his impending anniversary looming...

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Stages of Grief? Yeah? NAH!

Do you ever get so annoyed, frustrated or angry that you just want to scream? I do, every time I see or hear, yet again, another reference to the “five stages of grief” as a formula for grieving in this day and age.  Good grief, there is nothing prescriptive about grieving by any stretch of the imagination.  If anything, it is the complete opposite – disorderly, unpredictable and chaotic, with a plethora of emotions. I always...

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New beginnings come from endings

“New beginnings come from endings” What Happens In Between? This quote was Grief Relief’s first Facebook post and came from thinking about this ‘new beginning’ in my business and what brought me here, ‘the ending’ of something else. The something else was a workplace situation which had been troubling me for a while. After some time I recognised it as workplace bullying, a situation I hadn’t encountered before. It...

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